关键词:保险 代理人 保险公司 诚信
Abstract:An insurance agent is the insurer of the commission,a commission from the insurer and the insured personauthorizedon his behalf within the scope of business for insurance agencies or individuals.Our life insurance marketing system was in 1992 from American International Assurance Company introduced since then,our insurance agent developed rapidly in China.Insurance agent for the rapid development of the insurance industry has made tremendous contributions to the insurance company become an important way to develop the business.However, this proved to be effective in the United Statesway of business expansion in the country, but more and more people are criticized.Like insurance agents neglect the quality of service,short-sighted behavior, and even fraudulent,potentially fraudulent,malicious insuredevent,the moral hazard problem occur frequently.This article is from the status quo that the credibility ofinsurance on behalf of people, causes and suggestions to start,further analysis of today's generation of security integrity of the existing problems.
Key words: insurance agent insurer honest