摘要:徐州千禧坊蛋糕世界成立于1992 年,始终坚持真材实料、味美价平的稳健经营路线。面对一系列连锁品牌的强势入驻,为了提高千禧坊在徐州烘焙业市场的市场份额,提高销售额,把千禧坊打造成为徐州百姓选择烘焙产品的首选品牌。我们小组根据市场调查结果分析,决定塑造千禧坊新鲜可口的品牌形象,以“新鲜度”为卖点,营造良好品牌象。在本案中,首先对徐州各大商圈及门店附近进行随机抽样调查,调查内容涉及自身品牌优劣势、消费者基本情况以及竞争对手的分析。其次根据市场调查结果,结合4P 理论以及品牌形象定位理论对千禧坊进行全面的市场分析,提出新的品牌形象定位。最后,在传播策略方面,从形象和产品两个方面,对千禧坊进行全面包装宣传,并且在广告排期方面也有一定的连续性,致力于将千禧坊的新形象快速持久的传递给消费者。通过全面完整的策划,致力于将千禧坊打造成为徐州百姓自己的烘焙品牌。
关键词 烘焙产品;市场调查;品牌形象;新鲜度;策划
Abstract:Xuzhou millennium cake in the world, was founded in 1992, always adhere to the genuine materials, taste, price flat prudent management route. Faced with a series of the strength of the chain, the millennium in xuzhou bakery industry in order to improve the market share of the market, increase sales, the millennium lane into a xuzhou people choose the brand of choice for bakery products. Group according to the result of market survey analysis, we decided to shape the millennium fang delicious fresh brand image, was sold on the basis of \"freshness\", create a good brand image. In planning case, the first to xuzhou each big business circle and stores near the random sampling investigation, investigation content involves brand basic situation, the advantages and disadvantages in the consumer and competitor analysis. Secondly according to the market survey results, combined with the theory of 4 p and brand image positioning theory to the comprehensive market analysis, the millennium brand new brand image positioning is put forward. Finally, in terms of communication strategies, from two aspects of image and the product, package the millennium lane in a comprehensive propaganda, and scheduling aspects also has certain continuity in advertisements, committed to the millennium brand new image will be fast and lasting is passed to the consumer. Through comprehensive planning, to forge a xuzhou people committed to the millennium fang will bake their own brand.
Key words bakery products The market survey Brand image Freshness Planning