摘要:新一佳超市自2001 年进入徐州以来,每日来客流量均在20000 人以上,是徐州市第一家大型综合连锁超市,开辟了徐州消费市场自助式购物、一站式购物,融入到徐州市民的日常生活中,引导着市民消费时尚。但由于近几年的内部原因及外在情况的影响,徐州新一佳超市经营业绩不佳。因而,此次营销策划方案的目标对象为徐州新一佳超市,首先是运用广告学的专业知识对徐州的零售市场进行调查分析,了解徐州零售市场的状况,再结合徐州新一佳超市自身的情况,有针对性、目的性的对徐州新一佳超市进行品牌营销以及传播策略的研究。最终达到重塑新一佳超市的品牌形象和提高新一佳超市的品牌知名度、美誉度以及忠诚度,提高新一佳超市在徐州地区市场的市场占有率,增加产品销量,实现盈利的目的。
关键词:新一佳超市 徐州市场 整合营销 策划方案
Abstract:XinYiJia supermarket since 2001 in xuzhou, daily to traffic are more than 20000 people, is a large comprehensive supermarket chain, xuzhou the first opens the xuzhou consumer market of self-service shopping, one-stop shopping, into the xuzhou citizen's daily life, lead the citizen consumption fashion. But in recent years, due to the internal causes and external conditions, the influence of xuzhou XinYiJia supermarket business performance not beautiful.This marketing planning scheme is targeted for xuzhou XinYiJia supermarket. First, the retailing market of Xuzhou will be investigated and analyzed by using professional advertising knowledge, in order to learn about the retailing situation of this city. Then taking the supermarket's situation into account, we will conduct a research on brand marketing and communication strategies of Xin Yijia purposefully and specially. By doing this, the aim can be surely reached that the brand image of the supermarket will be reshaped and its brand awareness, reputation and customers’ loyalty will be improved, meanwhile, the market share will be expanded, so that the sales volume and profit are to be increased.
Keywords: XinYiJia supermarket Xuzhou market Integrated marketing Planning scheme