关键词:服装 满意度 女性服饰市场品牌 因素分析
ABSTRACT:With people’s consumption idea changed, brand awareness and the life more abundant, the consumer demand for commodities has not only be confined to the product itself, puts forward new requirements on experience service and shopping environment.For enterprises, want to remain invincible in the market, long-term development, must understand the impact of consumer goods to the satisfaction of the factors, so as to take corresponding measures, establish a corporate image, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, get more loyal customers.
The research in the crowd is “90”female consumers this special consumer groups.It is expected that after 3-5 years, it will become the main force of China’s consumer market, China’s consumption structure will be a new generation with increasing the consumption capacity and change, female is more as the main consumer, so the study of “90”female consumers has its special significance.Research on brand ES as an example of empirical research.In this study, through the theoretical research on customer satisfaction, establishes the customer satisfaction survey of grade two and a series of three level index, and constructs the regression model of influence factors of customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction questionnaire survey.Through the 2 city of Chongqing and Chengdu, were analyzed using SPSS statistical software, for a statistical analysis of the data of the indexes at all levels, in order to get the important degree of each influencing factor.The study found, influencing factors of brand service customer satisfaction, in accordance with its important Gradation:service, fashion, advertising, sales promotion.Enterprises can according to their importance and their performance to determine their position, so as to take corresponding measures to improve customer satisfaction, brand.In addition, because the brand’s market has a very high homogeneity, so from the study of ES can also play a certain reference for other brand.
Key words: fashion;satisfaction;women's apparel market brand;factor analysis