关键词: 哈尼族;传统体育;秋千;现状;发展
ABSTRACT:Swing motion is one of the traditional sports of the Hani nationality, its history and culture of the Hani nationality have a special memory and inheritance role, but now, in the sport of the Hani nationality area only in major holiday only saw people get it figure. this paper adopts literature method, interview method to collect relevant material, and logical analysis of the Hani nationality tradition sports "swing" to present situation of the project makes a deep research, found its development and the problems existing in the: Modern life changed Hani people's way of life, make lots of Hani people out of village; The popularity of modern sports to swing motion produced negative influence; People to swing motion concerns and cognitive ability not tall enough relevant article little; Relevant departments insufficient attention to this project; Government support is not enough. And according to actual situation proposed the corresponding Suggestions: One is the relevant departments should enhance the value of Hani swing movement; Two of the Hani nationality people should consciously is more attention to the nation's traditional culture; Three is to use media publicity activities; Four is the development of modern sports experience for reference, establish a scientific system; Five is minority games as platform, promotion Hani swing motion Development.
Keywords : Hani; Ethnic Traditional Sports; Swing; Current Situation; Development