关键词: 高脚马;高校体育;传统体育
ABSTRACT:"Tall horse" introduced by private education in national regions, the practice of school education at school after constantly perfection and development of campus culture development, facing the opportunities and choice, tall horse movement gets more widely accepted and spread. Tall horse sports after school, then by folk entered into national sports venue history tell us, will the national tradition sports education practice, introduce school not only can let the young was accepted to national cultural influence, and to set up the national self-confidence and pride, strengthen national cohesion.This paper uses some methods to the article analysis, they are literature data method, interview, mathematical statistics, questionnaire, reviews the national radition sports competitive items – that is tall horse. Putting forward to the development progress of it in Honghe University and integrating into college sports curriculum. Meeting the movements participation in college, sports skill and healthy body, mental health and social adaptation’s sports educational training goal. Combining the Honghe University’s regional characteristics and the national sports teaching environment into the sustainable development of tall horse, and carrying out the tall horse movement in non-P.E. departments have initial conditions.
Key words: high stepping horse; College sports; Traditional sports;