摘要:自加入WTO 之后,我国零售业迎来了新的机遇。与此同时,国内超市与外资超市间的竞争也越来越激烈。尤其是在超市经营理念呈现出新的发展趋势,营销观念也发生新的变化的情况下,外资超市要想在这样的背景下继续生存,就必须推陈出新,改变传统的营销思路,以市场为导向制定出更加合理的营销策略。
关键词 欧尚超市;市场营销;营销组合策略;SWOT分析
Abstract:Since joining the WTO, The retail industry in China has ushered in new opportunities. At the same time, the competition between domestic and foreign market has become increasingly fierce . Especially in a new trend in the supermarket business philosophy, marketing concept has changed circumstances, foreign supermarkets must bring forth the new through the old to survive in this context. Besides, they should change the traditional marketing approaches, and develop a more reasonable marketing strategy guided by the market.
This paper takes Changzhou Lanling Auchan supermarket as the research object, by using the basic theory of marketing and the literature research, data collection, comparative analysis, depth interviews and other research methods. Through the analysis of Lanling Auchan's marketing present situation and the problems have been found, also the SWOT analysis of the Lanling Auchan existing marketing environment, find the opportunities and risks, and through the study of its internal conditions, put forward improved scheme of the Lanling Auchan marketing strategy combination.
The paper has a certain practical significance and research value, it use the research methods in management, the conclusion has certain scientific and forward-looking, it also has certain directive significance to the same type of supermarket industry marketing.
Keywords Auchan supermarket ; Marketing ; Mix marketing strategy ; SWOT analysis