关键词 奶粉营销;PEST分析;营销组合策略
Abstract:In recent years, because of the omissions and lax in the domestic market of milk powder enterprises’ supervision milk, formula and production process and other aspects, the problems in Chinese milk powder market emerge frequently. The quality of milk powder becomes essential. With the development of milk powder, foreign brand milk powder becomes more and more popular. This is an opportunity to expand foreign brand milk powder’s market. The OZmilko infant brand milk powder as Australia imported milk powder is ready to enter the Chinese market.
This article takes use of literature research, descriptive research method and example research method. It makes research of resent market’s main milk powder brand’s marketing situation in Chinese market and studies the OZmilko milk powder’s marketing environment based on the theory of marketing strategy. According to its own condition, this article makes the marketing strategy for OZmilko entering Chinese market. Early on OZmilko entering Chinese market, it should pay attention to products, price, channels and promotion these four aspects of marketing strategy. At the same time, optimization of products, reasonable price, perfect channel construction and stimulating the sales are all essential.
Keywords: Milk powder’s marketing PEST analytic method Marketing mix strategy