摘 要:乳制品行业频频爆出的质量安全事件将国产乳制品企业的品牌形象推到了岌岌可危的边缘,使国内乳业遭受了严重的信任危机,在繁杂的声音中,质疑、猜测、流言纷飞不止,国内乳业的形象大打折扣。与此同时,国际乳品商早已瞄准中国市场,不仅垄断了国内高端的奶粉市场,亦开始进攻液态乳市场,国内乳业面临着全线溃败的战略风险。一直以来,国内乳制品企业始终在围绕着市场拓展的价格战、广告轰炸战中难以自拔,忽视了以质量为保障、以文化个性为核心的乳制品品牌形象建设,这不仅使得乳制品企业常常需要为突如其来的危机事件承担巨额损失,而且难以建构起基业长青的品牌形象。面对行业内激烈的竞争和消费者信任的缺失,国产乳制品企业要重新树立在消费者心目中的品牌信誉迫在眉睫。
ABSTRACT:Quality and safety events of dairy industry frequently push the brand image of the domestic dairy companies to the precarious edge of the domestic dairy industry, which suffered a serious crisis of confidence in the complex voice, questioning, speculation, rumors swirling more than ,with the domestic dairy industry image greatly reduced. At the same time, the International Dairy has been aimed at the Chinese market, not only monopolized the domestic high-end milk powder market, have begun to attack the liquid milk market, the domestic dairy enterprises are facing the risk of strategic defeat across the board. Domestic dairy companies has always focused on the marketing center, fighting price wars, advertising bombing campaign, while ignoring the quality of protection as the core to personalize dairy brand building, not only makes the dairy industry bear substantial losses of some sudden crisis events, but is difficult to guarantee the Everlasting. Faced with fierce competition in the industry and the trust lack of consumers, it is very urgent for domestic dairy companies to re-establish the brand's reputation in the minds of consumers.
This paper draws studies of the domestic and foreign scholars in the dairy industry brand image. Based on the theories of establishment and maintenance of brand image, the article analyzed the current situation of the domestic dairy companies’ brand images, digging the various reasons. Deal with the problems, put forward corresponding countermeasures, and provide useful suggestions for the recycling of dairy corporate brand image. The same time, as for the case of YiLi Group, examines the background of the YiLi Group, to study the effective measure to enhance the brand image analysis there are still obstacles to the construction of its brand, to summarize, trying to provide useful lessons for the whole industry in the brand image construction.
Keywords: Domestic dairy products; Brand image; YiLi Group