摘 要:随着技术的进步、行业环境的成熟及消费者对服务产品的需求日益细化,国内服务业新业态不断涌现,催生出一大批创新服务企业,它们依靠商业模式的创新、高新技术的运用在竞争激烈的服务行业中立足,成为现代服务业中最具创新活力的一股力量。国内创新服务业的主体是创业型中小企业,其业务开展普遍依靠经验,服务流程的不规范、对客户满意度的不敏感将是制约企业实现新一轮扩张的瓶颈。在这样的研究背景下,本文运用文献研究、实证研究、问卷调查、比较分析等方法详细论述了如何基于客户满意度,构建适用于中小型创新服务企业的流程优化(BPI)模式,即BPI的开展分为4个阶段:通过绘制流程图进行流程梳理;设计客户服务评价量表来收集客户数据,运用服务质量差距模型和IPA工具进行流程诊断;实施改进措施并使新流程规范化;通过定量和定性相结合的方法对优化效果进行评估和控制。最后,本文通过一个实例阐述了该模式的应用,亦佐证了该模式的可操作性和有效性。
ABSTRACT:With developing technology, maturing market environment and increasing diversification of customers’ demand for services, new kinds of service form are urging piles of Innovation Service Enterprises, which are the most innovative and dynamic power in modern service industry. These enterprises own different business model and advanced technology as the advantages in intense competition of service industry. Domestic innovation service enterprises, mainly comprised of middle-small size companies, run their business depending on experience and their abnormal process and insensitivity to customer satisfaction will have negative effect on their further expansion. The study, using kinds of research methods, such as literature research, empirical analysis, comparative analysis, discuss how to build a BPI model for domestic innovation service enterprises based on CS theory, including 4 phases: process combing by flow diagram; collect customer data by service evaluation questionnaire, then diagnose the process with the data analyzed by Service Quality Model and IPA; carry out modified measures and standardize the new process; assess and control the result by quantitative and qualitative methods. At the end of the study, a case was illustrated to describe the applying and prove feasibility and effectiveness of the model.
Keywords: innovation service enterprises; business process improvement (BPI); customer satisfaction (CS)