摘 要:人力资源管理部门是企业管理中占有成本大、重复性工作多见的部门,占用了企业很大一部分的资源,却难以看到它为企业带来的现实的效益,但是他又是企业不可缺少的一个部门。随着经济的快速发展,中小企业在国民经济发展中发挥日益重要的作用。一般来说,中小企业规模较小、资金有限,很多企业没有独立的人力资源部门,致使人力资源职能无法发挥出来,因此这严重制约着中小企业的发展。近年来,人力资源外包成为企业管理中一种新的管理方式,为各中小企业提供新的管理模式。本课题在对相关国内外文献研究的基础上,在人力资源管理外包相关理论的指导下,探讨了当前人力资源管理外包的目前企业使用率较低、市场外包商质量良莠不齐等现状和存在的如成本较高、行业内没有法律规范等问题,从政府、企业、外包服务商三个方面总结了人力资源外包的实施对策,最后针对南京伟盛有限公司人力资源外包的成功案例进行分析,为以后的中小企业人力资源管理提供研究方向。
ABSTRACT:Human resource management is the enterprise management department occupies cost of large, repetitive tasks common in the sector, taking up a large part of the resources of the enterprise, but it is difficult to see the reality for enterprises to bring the benefits, but he is also an indispensable enterprise a department. With the rapid economic development of SMEs in national economic development play an increasingly important role. In general, small scale, limited financial resources, many companies do not have a separate human resources department, resulting in human resources functions can not play, so this severely restricts the development of SMEs. In recent years, human resources outsourcing become a popular new management model, human resource management for SMEs provides a new approach.
The topics in the study of the relevant literature, based on the theory of human resource management outsourcing, under the guidance discusses the current human resource management outsourcing business usage is low at present, the market situation so outsourcers bad quality and the presence of such as high cost, the industry has no legal norms and other issues, from government, business, outsourcing service providers summed up in three aspects of the implementation of human resource outsourcing measures, and finally against Wei Sheng Co., Ltd. Nanjing HR outsourcing success stories were analyzed for human Resource Management for SMEs after providing research direction.
Keywords:SMEs; human resource management; outsourcing