摘 要:在当今的市场经济环境下,中小企业是市场经济中最活跃的经济主体,促进中小企业的发展成为了世界各国国家发展战略的重要组成部分。同样,我国的中小企业在国民经济与社会和谐中也发挥着越来越重要的作用,发展中小企业是我国的市场经济建设中不可回避的关键任务。据2011年中国信息报的相关数据显示,我国工商注册登记的中小企业的数量占全部注册企业总数的99%以上,总资产占48%,总产值占60%,销售收入占57%,实现利税占40%,出口总额占60%,就业人数占83%。但是,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制更加完善,中小企业的发展渐渐暴露出了企业管理水平低、产能低、环境污染严重和整体素质有待提高等一系列急需解决的问题。本文主要分析了我国中小企业目前现状,发现中小企业经营过程中存在的问题,以企业面临的内部环境和外部环境为出发点提出相应的对策。论文认为中小企业首要的是检视自身存在的问题,通过产业调整、提高企业的管理能力、加大改革创新的力度等来完善内部存在的问题,然后积极利用政府和市场给中小企业提供的有利条件逐步改变外部环境给中小企业的发展带来的制约。
关键词:中小企业; 经营问题;对策
ABSTRACT:In today’s market economy environment,minor enterprises are the most active economic agents in a market economy, promoting the development of minor enterprises as important components of national development strategies around the word.Similary,Chinese medium-sized and small enterprises plays an increasingly important role in the national economy and social harmony , the development of small and medium enterprises is the key task of Chinese national economic construction can not be avoided.According to the 2011 China Information News related data,the number of China’s industrial and commercial registration of medium-sized and small enterprises accounted for 99% of the total number of registered enterprises,with total assets accounted for 48%,total output value accounted for 60%,accounted for 57% of sales revenue,profits and taxes accounted for 40%,total exports accounted for 60%,total employment accounted for 83%.However ,as China’s socialist market economic system more perfect, SME development gradually exposed a low level of business mananement, low productivity,serious environmental pollution,and overall quality needs to be improved and a series of urgent issues.This artide analyses the current situation of China’s minor enterprises,and found that existing problems of SMES in the course of business, and facing internal and external environment as a starting point to the business proposed countermeasures.This paper think that SMEs inspect primarily their own problems,and through industrial restructuring,and improving the management capcity,increase the intensity of reform and innovation etc to improve its internal problems.Then use favorable conditions which are supplied by the government and the market to gradually change the constraints imposed by the external environment to the development of SMEs.
Keywords: minor enterprises; operational problems ; countermeasures