摘 要:改革开放以来,随着我国国民经济的蓬勃发展,家族企业也逐步成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分,并对经济发展做出了极其重要的贡献。目前,绝大多数家族企业是中小家族企业,并且其发展遇到了诸多困难,严重制约企业的发展和壮大,人力资源管理的不善便是其中的一个重要原因,本文将主要针对中小家族企业的人力资源问题进行研究。首先将对中小家族企业的界定和人力资源管理的重要意义进行探讨。通过借鉴国内外关于中小家族企业人力资源管理方面的最新研究成果,从人力资源管理的六大模块出发探讨目前国内中小家族企业人力资源管理存在的主要问题。继而分析中国传统的家族文化和社会环境对于中小家族企业人力资源管理方面深层次的影响,并研究欧美成功的家族企业在人力资源管理方面的成功之处。基于欧美中小家族企业成功的借鉴,并针对目前国内在人力资源管理上存在的问题,提出一系列的具有建设性意义的对策。
ABSTRACT:Since the reform and opening, we witness the rapid development of the national economy. Family enterprises has gradually become an important part of our national economy, and made great contribution to economic development. At present, the vast majority of family enterprises is small and medium-sized family enterprises, and they have encountered many difficulties, which seriously restricts the development and expansion of them. The poor human resources management is one of the important reasons. This research will mainly aim at human resources issues of small and medium-sized family enterprise. At first, the definition of small and medium-sized family enterprise and the importance of human resource management are discussed. Through the reference to the latest research in human resources management of small and medium-sized family enterprise at home and abroad, the main problems in China will be discussed from the perspective of 6 big modules of human resource management. Then this paper will analyze the impact of Chinese traditional family culture and social environment on small and medium-sized family enterprise human resources management, and do some research in the success of European family business in terms of human resource management. Based on the analysis of European and American family business management characteristics, we will find out its enlightenment on Chinese family business human resources management. Finally, a series of constructive solutions to current domestic problems in human resource management will be put forward.
Keywords: Small and medium-sized family enterprises; human resources management; traditional culture; solutions