摘 要:全球化的深入和信息技术的普及,推动了市场环境的急剧变化和营销实践的迅速发展,同时市场营销理论也在推陈出新,不断地发展、完善。一种创新的营销方式——“饥饿营销”被越来越多的企业注意到,并开始在产品推广中有意加以应用。有一部分企业利用饥饿营销策略使得自己的产品受到了消费者的热捧,赢得了巨额利润,最终成功了。但是也有部分企业没有考虑到自身的品牌实力、产品特点、宣传手段和经销渠而导致了失败或者效果不理想。对市场营销理论的这一新发展——饥饿营销进行跟踪研究,并加以系统化整合和创造性应用,是企业市场营销创新的内在要求,对于现代企业搞好市场营销,加强经营管理,加快经济方式转变,提高经济效益具有重要的意义。
本文从当今企业的市场营销现状分析入手,从企业,产品,市场,消费者四个视角,深入剖析饥饿营销蓬勃发展的原因,对其可能带来的积极效应和负面影响进行分析,并提出实施饥饿营销的条件和策略。论文分为以下几个部分:第一部分是绪论,主要阐述了本课题的研究背景、研究状况以及课题采用研究方法;第二部分:饥饿营销的理论基础;第三部分,以高尔夫6汽车为例, 分析饥饿营销的运作条件;第四部分,根据分析提出成功实施饥饿营销的条件对策、注意事项;第五部分,论文总结与饥饿营销策略应用的前景展望。
ABSTRACT:The deepening of globalization and the spread of information technology promote the rapid development of the dramatic changes in the market environment and marketing practices . At the same time, marketing theory appears a booming trend and business marketing tool is constantly changing. A new marketing means - hunger marketing is adopted by more and more companies now. Though there are many companies have achieved great success with it, some companies use this theory blindly. They don’t take the characteristics of the product and the essence of corporate marketing, resulting in unconspicuous effect and even failure. We research on this tendency of the new marketing theory-hungry strategy with system integration and creative application. It is the inherent requirement of enterprise marketing innovation. There are a highly significance of the modern enterprises doing a good job in marketing, strengthening management, accelerating economic transformation, improving economic benefit and so on and so forth.
Based on the current situation of modern enterprise marketing analysis, this article is comprised of four perspective, and that is the enterprise, product, market, and consumer. Relying on analysing the causes of hunger marketing development, positive and negative effects, and putting forward the condition of hunger marketing conditions and implementation strategy. The paper is divided into the following several parts: The first part is the introduction, mainly elaborating this topic research background, status and method ; The second part is theoretical basis of hunger marketing; The third part contains one typical hunger marketing case analysis(Golf-6 car as a case); The fourth part puts forward the effective method of implementation of hunger marketing conditions and countermeasures ;The fifth part includes the summary and the prospect of hunger marketing strategy application.
Keywords: Modern enterprise; Hunger marketing; Strategy