摘 要:水上旅游由于其独特的旅游体验方式,受到了越来越多的游客的青睐,从而得到了国内外众多水滨名城的广泛重视。但是在发展水上旅游项目上也出现了诸多的问题。通过研究国内外众多水上项目开发的案例,取长补短,为国内水上旅游的开发总结一些可参考的成功经验,同时也为南京秦淮河的水上旅游项目开发提供一个可参考的开发方案。
Abstract:Water tourism has attracted a growing number of tourists of all ages because of its unique travel experience,, and many waterfront cities,at home and abroad, have pay high attention to it. However, there are many problems about the development of water tourism. By studying the development of foreign and domestic cases we can summarize up the successful experience for domestic river tourism projects . And provide a reference project for the development program of Nanjing Qin Huai River water tourism.