摘 要:作为城市历史文化的载体,多数城市内河的旅游文化功能已逐步突显,各自具备独特的发展特征和类型,并形成了一些提具体的开发理念和模式。通过国际和国内都市文化型河流的旅游开发以及相关案例的对比研究,探讨内河发展模式和有益方案,为我国都市文化型河流的旅游开发提出意见和建议。
关键词:城市 文化型河流 旅游开发
Abstract: As the carrier of the city history and culture, most of the inner-rivers in cities have developed gradually and the functions of cultural tourism begun to emerge. They have their own style and characteristics during development. There are also some creative ideas and modes. Based on researching the tourism development of international city cultural river and studying some cases, this paper provides the advices and suggestions on the tourism development of inner-rivers in china.
Key words: city; cultural river; tourism development