关键字:江苏省旅游客源市场 空间结构 时间结构 旅游者类型 开发
Abstract: Studying tourist market is the basis for developing tourism since it provides scientific basis for tourism resources development and planning as well as tourism management activities. Therefore, it has great theoretical and practical importance.Jiangsu is one of the most attractive and potential tourism province.The study on its structure of tourist market is beneficial to clear its target layer,so as to formulate a realistic strategy for developing the tourist market.The article firstly reviews the related concepts of the tourist market and pointed out the importance of researching the tourist market.Based on data, this paper mainly analyze the structure of the tourist market of Jiangsu Province.It considers from three aspets,spatial structure,temporal structure and tourist type.Finally on how to develop the tourist market of Jiangsu Province was discussed.
Key words:the tourist market of Jiangsu;spatial structure;temporal structure;tourist type;development