关键词 高新技术企业;融资模式;风险分析
Abstract:With the economic development and the advancement of technology, In recent years, our high-tech enterprises have playde an important role in our social. The Information industry is developing and the consumers` demands is changing. This situations make market competition more and more intensified. We should awareness the high-tech enterprises have become a very important factor in determining national economic competitiveness. So promoting the development of high-tech enterprises for a country is very important, especially in the developing countriest. However, due to the high-tech enterprise with its own characteristics, the credit system is not perfect in our conntry and financing system also have some shortcomings. Therefore the high-tech enterprises especially small and medium-sized high-tech enterprises are facing with the problem of financing.
This paper is divided into four levels. Firstly, we should introduce the significance of the background, content and methods. Secondly, this thesis introduce the theory of financing model and the situantion of high-tech enterprises. Thirdly, this is the empirical analysis part of this article. In order to displaying this paper with direction we use financial indicators of a local high-tech enterprises in Xuzhou financing. Lastly this paper analyzes the financing problems and analysis reasons to find a solution.
This article is mainly use the method of qualitative and quantitative to built analytical framework. Therefore we can analysis whethe this high-tech enterprise have financing problems. Based on the Xuzhou shangruo Technology Co., Ltd we can analysis financial problem more thorough. in the last of the paper we proposed solutions for this company.
Keywords: High-tech enterprises Financing model Risk Analysis