摘 要:极限思想是最基本的数学思想方法之一,在数学学习的过程中,极限思想有着相当广泛的应用,特别在数学分析的学习中有着明显的体现。利用极限思想方法研究和解决数学中的问题显得尤为重要。本文主要介绍了极限基本定义,列举极限问题的基本解法,并介绍极限定义的部分推广形式。
Abstract: Limit thinking is one of the most basic of mathematical thinking in the mathematics learning process, the limits of thought has a fairly wide range of applications, especially in mathematical analysis of learning there is a clear expression. Limit way of thinking and solving math problems is particularly important, the methods used by the special title cases are not the same. This article describes the limits of the basic definitions, lists the basic solution of the limit problem, and limit the promotion of a little understanding.
Key words: Limit thinking; common method; the promotion and application of limit;