关键词:非物质文化遗产博物馆 游客体验质量 游客满意度 南京云锦博物馆
Abstract:This article based on the existing achievement of the theoretical study about travel experience , by analyzing the content and quality of visitor experience factors, on Nanjing Brocade Museum, for example, inspects the quality of experience for the domestic visitors. What the tourists evaluate Nanjing brocade museum reflects the degree of fitting the market as an attraction, and reflects its tourism image. By sorting data, assessing the quality of visitor experience on the museum in the tourism market comprehensively. Analyze the prospects for development of Heritage Museum. Indicate the problems, propose solutions and the strategies about the management of the quality of travel experience.
Keywords: Intangible cultural Heritage Museum, quality of visitor experience, Tourist Satisfaction, Nanjing Brocade Museum