[摘要] 大学生旅游市场由于其出游频次高而具有广阔的前景,但对于大学生这一特殊旅游群体的研究相对较少,为高校学生设计的定制化旅游产品和服务也不多见。文章通过对南京地区的大学生进行调查研究,分析了大学生旅游消费偏好特征,并在此基础上设计了旅游线路,进行了分析,总结出一些规律,为大学生旅游线路设计提供科学的决策依据,并对线路设计中相关要注意的方面进行了思考探索。
[关键词]大学生旅游; 旅游偏好; 旅游线路设计;南京
[Abstract] University students' tourist market due to its high frequency to travel and has the broad prospect, but for college students of this special tourism group opposite less, for college students design customized travel products and service is rare according to the nanjing area college students to investigation and research, analyzes the characteristics of university students' tourist consumption preferences, and on the basis of the design of tourist routes, analysis, the paper summarizes some rule, for university students' tourist line designed to provide scientific basis for decision-making, and the design process of related to the attention of the thinking and exploring
[Key words] college students' traveling;touristy preference;design of the tourism rou ;nanjing