Abstract:An important question which the countryside remaining behind to take care of things women's issue is we construct when new countryside must face, this article through to the Sino-Soviet area remaining behind to take care of things woman carry on the questionnaire survey and the case interview, and collected reorganized the remaining behind to take care of things woman's related literature, had discovered in the socialism new rural reconstruction, the question which the remaining behind to take care of things woman existed, mainly displayed in the life pressure high, energetic pressure high, security sense low status aspect. Has discovered the reason which through the analysis the remaining behind to take care of things women's issue produces. The author nowadays the difficult position angle and constructed the new countryside from the solution the angle to propose some pointed suggestions, hoped remaining behind to take care of things woman this community to be able the good development, and could to construct “the production development, the life to be ample, the local custom civilization, the village accommodated, the management democracy neatly” the new countryside display the vital role.
Key words:Rural remaining wives;Survival present situation; Problem; Countermeasure
留守妇女群体是农民工外出的重要的支持力量,是农村家庭责任的主要承担者,同时也是新农村建设的重要力量。然而对于肩负着如此重担的农村留守妇女,我们对于她们的生活状况,精神压力,在生产中会遇到怎样的困境,留守状态会对她们带来怎样的影响,以及现有的社会制度政策对她们是否会产生束缚,该给予怎样的支持等等都是不甚了解的。这都是由于我们对留守妇女的关注不够所造成的。这一群体不仅由于在农村与城市的结构性分野下,属于弱势的一方而受到忽略;同时,作为农民工家庭的主要成员,淹没在男性农民工的身后,在我们的视野里也是模糊的。这一现象无论是从文化发展、两性发展,还是社会发展的角度来看,它都是不利于农村的长远发展和社会的和谐进步的。 因此,我们应该加大对留守妇女关注的力度,关注她们的生存状况,关注她们的问题与困境,帮助她们寻求解决之道,促进妇女自身的更好的发展。