关键词:女大学生 雇佣性别歧视 认知情况
Abstract:Sex discrimination has existed in the labor market for a long time,which not only has caused tremendous neggective effect on all female college students’ employment,but also has destroyed the fairness of labor market.The sex discrimination from enterprises gose against the development of labor market.This article is from the perspective of female college students,aiming at to have a knowledge of the sec discrimination status in the current labor market and the form of employment discrimination.In addition, through the investigation the author wants to know the female college students’ attitude of sex discrimination, in order to understand the sex discrimination in current labor market from all-sides.The objects of this survey are the female college students from nanjing normal university, nanjing university of finance and nanjing university of posts and telecommunications who are applying for iobs.
Keyword: Female College Student Sex Discrimination In Labor Market Cognitive Situation