关键词 施工索赔;工期与费用索赔;索赔证据;索赔报告
Abstract:Since China's accession to the WTO, the construction market in line with international standards, construction claims also emerged in China, so that the construction claim is a product of China with international standards, is the product of the marketization of construction. But because the degree of marketization is not enough, there are all kinds of problems in the process of construction claims, so the construction claims are not yet common in construction industry, which seriously constraint the development of construction industry in China. This article stands in the Angle of the construction enterprise was studied by means of construction claim, safeguard the interests of the construction enterprise is due.
Construction enterprises should attach importance to the claim work, because of construction enterprise is always in a passive in dealing with a claim, the reason mainly has: the first is the time limit for a project cost claim cannot be reasonably accurate calculation, the second is claim evidence cannot be collected in a timely and effective manner, claim cannot be written in a timely and effective manner. Through to analyze the causes of the claim, the claim the kinds of evidence, the content of construction claims and the problems existing in the construction enterprises in the claim management analysis, and puts forward specific solutions. For construction enterprises encounter claim time claim and cost claim, as well as cross claim problem analysis, and combined with the new stadium project the construction claim case carries on the empirical analysis, in view of the problem put forward concrete solutions.
Keywords construction claims Time limit for a project claim for compensation Expense claims The claim report