关键词:民营企业 核心员工 员工流失 调查 对策研究
ABSTRACT:Along with the market economy competition, competition between enterprises for talents is fierce, because the private enterprises' own resources and in the management of human resources is still insufficient, causes the enterprise core employee instability or even the loss of a large number. The core staff is the core competence of enterprises, can not be cultivated in a short period of time, whether enterprises can retain the core staff is the decisive factor of sustainable development of private enterprises. This paper investigated the situation A Company's human resources, use core staff matching dynamic identification model based on strategic to determine the company's core staff groups ,collected information about employees of A Company leaving, designed the interview outline for the core staff, interviewed key staff leaved in 2012, summarized and analyzed reasons for core staff leaving on the basis of interviews ,for these reasons designed the corresponding measures to solve the problem that core staff turnover.
Keywords: private enterprise;core staff; staff turnover; survey countermeasures