关键词:二维码 二维码应用 招聘 招聘渠道 研究
ABSTRACT: In the current market environment, as times continue to move forward and goes, IT plays an increasingly important role. The rapid development of information technology, making the barcode technology continues to improve, from the original one-dimensional code to today's two-dimensional code. As a new technology - Automatic identification and information carriers, two-dimensional code in its economy and reliability advantages, is being more and more people are understanding and knowledge. Dimensional code fundamentally make up less than one-dimensional code, more conducive to the development of society. Dimensional code technology continues to research and development, making the two-dimensional code technology is rapidly expanding, bar code and bar code technology gradually penetrated into people's lives, so that people from the tedious and repetitive work has been fully released. , As well as corporate recruiters use issues that may arise
This paper is divided into eight parts, the first part of the introduction, the main research topic background, research status and research ideas; second part of the definition of the recruitment and the recruitment of the main ways; The third section discusses the two-dimensional code the characteristics of the two-dimensional code and two-dimensional code to define the meaning of the characteristics of research and application of the principle expounded two-dimensional code and two-dimensional code of the application instance and thus over the fourth part of the article, analyzing two-dimensional code technology application in the recruitment of the fourth part is the top priority, according to the principle of two-dimensional code, recruiters and candidates from the party of the two-dimensional code technology in the recruitment and application of two-dimensional code analysis methods, the implementation feasibility; fifth part is the two-dimensional code recruitment conduct a survey to understand the business and the recruitment of candidates for the two-dimensional code level of understanding; sixth part is to explore the implementation of this method of recruitment barriers and problems; final part VII is found in two-dimensional code from all angles recruitment convenience, as well as text summary.
Keywords: two-dimensional code;two -dimensional code applied; recruitment ;recruitment channels ;research