摘要:建立基本医疗保险制度,关系到广大人民群众的切身利益,关系到社会和谐稳定, 对国民经济又好又快发展具有促进作用。完善的社会保障制度有利于改善居民的消费预期,扩大消费需求。完善社会保障体系,为老百姓构筑社会安全网,有助于解除居民的后顾之忧,增强居民消费的信心,拉动国内消费需求,从而有利于促进经济增长方式的转变。
关键词:医疗保险制度 医疗改革 医疗保险模式 医疗保险体制 医疗费用
ABSTRACT:Basic medical insurance system, related to the vital interests of the broad masses of people, related to social harmony and stability, Has a role in promoting sound and rapid development of the national economy. Improve the social security system will help to improve people's consumption is expected to expand consumer demand. Improve the social security system, to build a social safety net for the people, and helps to relieve the worries of the residents, enhance consumer confidence, boost domestic consumer demand, thus contributing to the promotion of economic growth pattern.
Medical insurance system refers to a country or region in accordance with the insurance principle to solve the problem of residents to prevent and cure diseases and mobilization, allocation and use of the system of medical insurance fund. It is the cause of residents in health care financing mechanisms, is one of the more progressive system of a social insurance system, the application is currently the world's quite common for a health cost management mode. help solve their catastrophic health care cost issues, the real goal of universal access to basic medical security and safeguarding social fairness, promote social harmony. China's basic medical insurance system reform is progressing steadily, expanding coverage of basic medical insurance. China's medical insurance system after five years of reform and construction, initially established a new type of medical security system system architecture. Narrow, reform is not complete, and the lack of government investment for the existing social health insurance coverage, you need to increase government funding for medical services through the establishment of a multi-level medical security system, speed up the pace of social health insurance legislation and processing large health insurance reform initiatives to be addressed.
Keywords:Medical insurance system;Health care reform;Health insurance model;The medical insurance system;Medical expenses