本文将从海外归国创业人才的视角,以重庆市海归创业园内的创业人员为研究样本, 通过实地调查和访谈的方式,分析影响海归创业吸引度、满意度的因素,以及满意度对忠诚度的关系,最后通过分析的结论对重庆市海归创业人才政策进行评价,提出建议。文章主要分五部分,第一部分绪论,主要研究选题的背景、国内外研究现状、研究目的和意义以及研究思路;第二部分对创业政策进行含义界定和作用阐述;第三部分为重点,通过问卷和访谈的形式,实证调查重庆市海归科技创业人才的需求,得出影响海归创业吸引度、满意度的因素以及满意度对忠诚度的关系并由此过渡到文章第四部分,评价重庆市海归科技创业人才政策;第五部分是重中之重,根据实地调查问卷的结论和访谈信息,对重庆市海归创业政策提出具有一定理论和实践意义的建议与对策。
关键词:海归 创业 现状 对策
ABSTRACT:The 21st century is the century of knowledge, talent become a national and regional economic growth determinants. Vigorously the introduction of overseas high-level talents, becoming a relatively short time gathering of high-end talent an important way. With the reform and opening up for the national economy developed rapidly, the number of overseas students to return gradually increased. To adapt to the new situation, issued a series of national and regional policies of returnees, increase efforts to bring returnees talent. Chongqing as the only municipality in western, with the national implementation of the western development strategy, the economy developed rapidly, but with the eastern coastal region still lags far behind, Chongqing want in a short time to shorten the gap with the eastern coastal areas, talent become a key constraint. Efforts to attract returnees talent to Chongqing, Chongqing has become the work to solve the problem of the lack of high-level personnel an important means of attracting talent to strengthen the degree of returnees, the Chongqing municipal government introduced a corresponding policies to attract returnees western Chongqing has become an important city.
This article from the perspective of entrepreneurial talent returning from overseas, returnees business park in Chongqing, entrepreneurs as research samples, through field surveys and interviews, analyze impact entrepreneurs attract returnees, satisfaction factors, as well as satisfaction on loyalty the degree of relationship, the final conclusions by analyzing entrepreneurial talent in Chongqing returnees policy evaluation and make recommendations. This article mainly divided into five parts, the first part of the introduction, the main research topics of the background, status, and the purpose and significance of research ideas; second part of the definition of entrepreneurship and the role of policy implications elaborated; third part is focused by in the form of questionnaires and interviews, empirical investigation of Chongqing Technology returnees entrepreneurial talent needs, come to affect entrepreneurship attract returnees, satisfaction factors and satisfaction on loyalty relationships and thus the transition to post fourth part, the evaluation of Chongqing returnees technological entrepreneurship policy; fifth part is the most important conclusions based on field surveys and interviews with information on entrepreneurship policy propose Chongqing returnees have certain theoretical and practical suggestions and countermeasures.
Keywords: returnees;entrepreneurial;status;countermeasures