【关键词】校园青春 散文化 主题多元化 本土文化
【Abstract】A famous Taiwan director Edward Yang said: " There are only two kinds of Taiwan movies, youth movies and the other kind." Taiwan movies prefer youth movie theme, and to some extent as Hong Kong film prefer action movies, and they are becoming a regional sign. Taiwan youth have a very unique place in Chinese film. Hou hsiao-hsien,Edward Yang, CaiMingLiang, as a representative of the Taiwan new wave film which are with a strong flavor of literature and art. mainly focused on the description of the history of young people and had heavy tragedy, expounded the strong homesickness literature with a strong depressive feeling.
Relative to Taiwan's new wave film, after Taiwan new movies continue strong literary breath, but the style also has a great breakthrough and transformation, this paper will mainly discussed and summarized in the 21st century the unique style of "after Taiwan new youth movie", The first part is introduce of the new wave movies, expounds the background and the analysis of current situation, the second part is about the prosification narrative style which namely analyse from the camera, image and sound; the third part is diversified narrative theme for analysis.
【Key words】Youth movie, prosification,theme diversity,local culture