[Abstract]Shu Ting is the "misty poetry" represented writers, as a poet, her poetry is first to be accepted by ordinary people, but also the first to be recognized by the orthodox art. Shu Ting's poems have a distinctive traditional style with modern innovative ideas. As a woman, her poems show the reserved style of the traditional feelings of women; as a poetess by Time baptism, and benefit from the influence of modern Western poetry, her poems show on rational thinking and modern society.
[Key words] Shu Ting; poetry; traditional inheritance; modern innovation; thinking of undertaking
舒婷是20世纪70年代中国诗坛上崛起的“朦胧诗”派的杰出代表作家之一。别林斯基曾说过:“诗人比任何人都应该是自己时代的产儿”[ 摘引自《别林斯基论文学》],而舒婷所处的特定的时代背景确实给她的诗歌创作积淀了有利于展现个性的因素。当我们纵观中外诗歌的发展史可以发现,并不是每一个时代的诗歌都能完美地继承历代诗歌的传统艺术精华同时又融合自身的创新理念的,但当我们阅读舒婷的诗歌时,我们能体会到她诗歌中浓郁的古典情怀和鲜明的现代情结。这应该也是舒婷虽作为“朦胧诗”派作家之一,但她的诗歌却是最早能被人们接受的原因。本文试图探讨舒婷诗歌创作中传统继承和现代创新的双重创作理念,以期更全面地理解其诗歌创作内涵和意蕴。