关键词:私营 汽车进口 营销策略
ABSTRACT:With the trend of economic globalization, the further strengthening of our country's economy has achieved fast development. Our people's living standard continues to improve, gradually from the luxury car into the direction of the durables, cars began to enter millions of households as a means of transport, as people of a fundamental trend consumption growth. Major foreign auto manufacturers have also entered to seize the Chinese market, fierce competition. Although the current China's auto industry is facing various challenges, the automotive industry in the face of great pressure, but still want to try every way to achieve growth performance. To be able to compete in the fierce market place which, companies are constantly introduced a variety of new marketing strategies.
The article mainly through research domestic and foreign automobile marketing model, analysis of the automotive marketing problems. According to the private automobile trading company imports its own special for our automotive marketing problems, put forward feasible and effective marketing strategies in order to improve competitiveness.
Keywords: Private;Car import;Marketing strategy