摘要:随着互联网应用技术不断融入我们生活和电子商务的普及,第三方支付的市场快速发展,以及第三方支付种类多样化。第三方支付方式作为一种新的网络交易手段和信用中介,不仅具备电子支付资金传递功能,而且能对交易双方进行监督和约束, 其业务运营模式从一定程度上保证了买卖双方交易的可靠性,增加了人们对网上交易的信心。可以说,第三方支付已经成为发展最迅速、最适应于我国国情的发展方式。而这其中最引人关注的第三方支付方式就是支付宝。目前,支付宝是中国境内最大的第三方支付平台。可以说支付宝的发展带动了国内网上支付的发展势头,让中国老百姓真正体会到网上购物的安全与便利。经过系统的调研和文献分析,本文通过以支付宝为例对第三方支付现状的研究,提出第三方支付面临的问题及风险,对国内第三方支付面临的严峻问题提出一些改革方法和对策,为国内第三方支付今后的发展方向做出一些预测和建议。
关键字:第三方支付 支付宝 现状 问题 对策
Abstract : As Internet technology applications comes into our daily life continuously and the popularity of e-commerce, the diversify types of third-party payment develops rapidly in the payment market . Third-party payment transactions as a new network means and credit intermediaries, Not only have the function of electronic payment , but also to monitor both sides of the transaction and constraints .operating model of this terms to some extent ensure the reliability of both buyers and sellers ,and increase people's confidence in online transactions. It can be said that third-party payment has become the fastest growing and most appropriate payment terms in china. What is most popular iand interesting terms is ALIPAY. Currently, Alipay is the largest third-party payment platform in Chian, which development lead the evolvement of the domestic online payment, makes the Chinese truly experience the safety and convenience of online shopping. After a systematic investigation and document analysis,this report will set Alipay as example to discuss the problem and the risk of the third-party payment, against the serious domestic problems we will find out strategy and methods for China's future development direction of third-party payment and to make some predictions and suggestions.
Keywords: Third-party payment Pay treasure status question countermeasures