摘要: 我国是世界公认的纺织品出口大国,纺织业是我国的支柱产业之一,南京是我国的纺织品出口大市,一直非常重视纺织品的出口,尤其是南京的特色纺织品云锦的出口量近几年持续增长。但是,南京纺织品的出口在具有一定优势的同时,仍然存在着一些较为严峻的问题。
关键词: 纺织品出口 南京云锦 贸易现状 面临问题 对策与措施
Abstract:Textile industry is one of the pillar industry in China. China is a large export country of textle by the world's established.Nanjing is one of the most export country in china ,it has paid much attention of the export of textiles, espcially the export of brocade has increased at present .Even the textile export trade in nanjing has some advantages ,it also has a lot of serious problems .
This paper is based on the present situation of textile export trade in nanjing,we will deeply study nanjeing textile exports and especially study the characteristics of textiles in nanjing brocade.Then we will practically analyze the advantages of nanjing textiles at present and the main problems.we put forward the export promotion and measures of nanjing textile. For the export of nanjing brocade ,we will give some reasonable suggestions ,maybe they can help for nanjing textiles exports, at the same time ,they can promote the development of textile export trade in nanjing ,it has the certain practical significance.
Key words: Textile exports Nanjing brocade Trade status Problem faced The strategies and measures