Abstract :As the development of knowledge economy,human capital becomes extraordinary in social economy development which makes knowledge workers who own important technique,information and knowledge to enterprise development determine whether a company can develop healthily and smoothly. However,knowledge workers are differ from common workers,so the core point of enterprise human resources development and management is how to attract,maintain and motivate knowledge workers effectively and enhance their initiative and enthusiasm,and also the point is the nuclear proposition to enterprise sustainable development.
Research on the Noneconomic Compensation should be put on the agenda, as the richening of Material situation, the rising in management cost as well as the decreasing of marginal effect in material motivation. The concept of salary will be discussed from the broad perspective in this paper。By studying the Knowledge Worker’s salary satisfaction factors and quoting the concept of Cafeteria compensation brought from John E.Tropman,I will propose a new model of pay incentives——Non-economic incentive pay effective method in this paper.
Keywords:Knowledge-type employees,Private enterprise,Enterprise characteristics,Core competitiveness