关键词:门头沟 棚户区改造 拆迁补偿
Abstract:"As a city and mining," shantytown, forests, part such as the reclamation, is our country crowd proliferating in the process of social economy history. Known as Men Tou Gou district "village inside city", the goaf is located in the shantytown northwestern city area door. The shanty towns existing housing area amounted to more than 100 million square meters, with low bungalows, pipeline dilapidated old living area is narrow, aging, needs to improve living conditions.
Along with our country the acceleration of urbanization, urban area have been expanded, more and more people are incorporated into the urban area of low quality, these houses, and facilities for the area will not all reconstruction. Demolished Through the house dismantlement, update the municipal facilities and transportation, not only effectively improve the housing conditions, residents to improve the living environment and promote the urban function, but also helps ease of social contradictions, and to enhance the social stability and promoting the economic growth.
Urban-house removing compensation has become the key turn shantytowns vallely urban-house removing compensation problem, and the standards and methods also become trigger the focal point of the contradiction. Every Chinese city urban-house removing compensation method and the current system although in many link have improved, but still exist, not reasonable place needs to be further improved. Taking vallely urban-house removing compensation policy new city as an example, analyses the take urban-house removing compensation method advantages and disadvantages, and compensation system and compensation method provides some feasible Suggestions of perfecting.
Keywords:MenTouGou Turn shantytowns Urban-house removing compensation