Abstract:Happiness he hot word NPC. In the report, "1025" period "accelerating Beijing will be to upgrade and construction for the core, Beijing" happiness to promote the economic and social development. In the next five years development goals: GDP average annual growth of 8%, structure adjustment achievements, city soft strength increased, system mechanism, the people's satisfaction significantly improve obviously increased.
This thesis mainly with nearly 100 questionnaire "north west road residents sex life was for" an investigation of the satisfaction degree of the data in the data arrangement, according to specific effects in various breakdown in the whole index proportion of live convenience the weights of evaluation of the quantitive analysis methods, the use of EXCEL, SPSS software for mathematical statistics and space statistical and drawing, through travel status, public facilities condition, catering facilities condition, leisure and entertainment facilities condition, etc. Indexes live in Beijing, evaluation analysis capabilities current condition and analyze reasons and puts forward some solving measures.
Key Words:west bei tu cheng Road; branch;Satisfaction survey research