摘要:改革开放以来,新疆对外贸易有了很大发展。新疆外贸近年呈现了高速增长的态势,这与新疆对周边中亚五国市场的开发是密不可分的。这种增长使新疆日益成为中国与中亚贸易的通道。本文在深入分析新疆外贸近年发展现状的基础上,进一步对新疆的外贸发展还存在哪些制约因素及其对新疆经济的影响程度如何进行分析,从而提出为切实发挥新疆外贸对经济的拉动作用,新疆在继续起到贸易通道作用的同时, 也应尽快转变为部分出口商品的生产基地等对策措施。
Abstract:From the provider point of view of foreign trade development Countermeasures Xinjiang region of Xinjiang since the reform and foreign trade development. Xinjiang's foreign trade in recent years showing a trend of rapid growth in the market development of the neighboring Central Asian countries and Xinjiang are inseparable. This growth Xinjiang is increasingly becoming the channels of trade in China and Central Asia. In-depth analysis of Xinjiang's foreign trade development status in recent years on the basis of further development of Xinjiang's foreign trade still exist which constraints of Xinjiang's economic analysis in order to put forward for the effective play of Xinjiang's foreign trade in boosting the economy, Xinjiang continue to play the role of trade routes, should change as soon as possible countermeasures for some export commodities production base.
Key Words:Xinjiang's foreign trade ,The five Central Asian countries, foreign trade, competitiveness of products