关键词: 零售业,深圳市零售业,外资零售业,创新发展
Abstract:With the development of economy and the changing of demand, retailers is y develop constantly. As the earliest foreign retailers into one of the city, the development of Shenzhen retail development by leaps and bounds. It made a contribution to China's import and export trade. In the future day, the competition will be more intense. This paper will study the development history, the development present situation and the development trend of Shenzhen retail, and put forward its advantages and disadvantages. Considering conditions of different aspects, we should exactly choose the developing way, locate it precisely and accelerate its conformity on the basis of the depth of strategy. Learning more from the others and try to innovate, and it can improve the core competitiveness; exploit a healthy way for the development of Shenzhen local retail trade.
Key Words:Retail, Shenzhen retail, Retail sales of foreign capital, Innovation and development
深圳的零售业还存有很大的发展空间,外资零售业进入中国零售市场, 使得中国本土零售企业开拓了眼界和思路、增强了它们的紧迫感和竞争意识、促进了行业整合和企业发展。深圳的零售业要保持良好的心态,在竞争中要审时度势战略,提高自己的经营管理水平,选择适合本企业的经营业态,把握总体的发展策略:规模化、品牌化、专业化、国际化、多元化,充分并利用本土的作战优势,顺应国际标准下的市场竞争潮流,积极地参与到与外资零售企业的竞争中去。