关键词:生产车间 SLP 布局
ABSTRACT:Along with social progress and economic development, as well as economic globalization, increasing competition, competition among manufacturing enterprises to become more intense. In this context, a business if you want to survive and develop on their own to try to increase the competitiveness of enterprises. In recent years, entrepreneurs are well aware, the production process has been unprofitable, relying on lower marketing costs, lower raw material and energy consumption to reduce the cost of production and operation of enterprises increasingly see the humble manner. Therefore, more and more entrepreneurs are turning to the production system layout.
In a production system, a good production layout, not only can improve the production efficiency of logistics enterprises, but also reduce the production costs of enterprises, for improving the competitiveness of the enterprise itself has a very important significance. This thesis topic that is against the practice of Company A's production plant layout problems, put forward a reasonable improvement.
Articles for logistics analysis, the use of FD diagram, from to table methods and related diagrams analysis method, this paper using the above methods and techniques for the production company A workshop layout a detailed study of the current situation and found that there is currently an existing layout unreasonable place. During layout, the method used for the SLP method, which uses Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) the relevant theories and methods to improve the layout of existing and proposed improvement.
Keywords: Workshop SLP Layout
(1) 通过合理的车间布局,降低A公司车间的物流成本;
(2) 提高A公司车间的物流效率,满足A公司的生产周期要求;
(3) 减少浪费,有效地利用生产车间的人员、设施、设备;
(4) 减少物流路线的相互交叉,消除潜在的危险,为员工提供安全舒适的工作环境。