关键词:钢铁行业 物流成本 降本控制 作业成本法
ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of modern logistics, the logistics management increasingly penetrated into the management of enterprises. Logistics cost management is core of enterprise logistics management, enterprise through the effective management of logistics cost, can effectively promote the rationalization of the logistics, raise the economic benefits of enterprises. But at present, our country manufacturing enterprise logistics cost management level is low, logistics cost is higher, especially iron and steel enterprise, needs to take measures to improve it.This paper briefs the present situation of our country iron and steel enterprises and the characteristics of the iron and steel logistics, combining with the steel cost, actual contact enterprise, analyses the composition of A iron and steel enterprises logistics cost control and the characteristics and existing problems, and ABC analysis in this paper, the method and way to reduce logistics cost iron and steel industry.Through the above logistics operation optimization scheme is put forward and implemented, expect to make A company to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, improve enterprise's market competitive power, to ensure the sustainable development of enterprises.
Keywords:the iron and steel industry;the logistics cost;authors control;ABC analysis