关键词:家电连锁 配送中心选址 配送优化
ABSTRACT:With the social and economic development, logistics and distribution have been getting more and more attentions by the enterprise, especially in the retail chain,it is living in a key position, and even can be considered to be the lifeblood of business chain. In this paper, refer to the literature on the basis of large amounts of data, analyzes Chongqing Sunning Appliance Co., Ltd. of distribution model, the construction of distribution centers and information construction, Pointed out the problem of Distribution Center Location Selection,according to the distribution center's programs and siting considerations, the use of AHP and fuzzy evaluation method to evaluate distribution center location, to arrive at the best site options , combined with the new distribution center location, the corresponding distribution system optimization recommendations to improve the efficiency of commodity circulation, reduce distribution costs, and thus increase sales.
Key words:Home appliance chain;Logistics and distribution;Distribution optimization