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  • 更新时间:2017-09-19
  • 论文字数:6123
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  • 资料包括:完整论文,开题报告




Jane Austen is one of the distinguished realistic novelists in the nineteenth- century-English literature.Pride and Prejudice is the most important novel of all her six novels. In order to understand Jane Austen’s view on marriage and love and the marriage in Austen’s time, this paper, based on the four typical kinds of marriages and the historical background of the novel, this paper gives a detailed analysis of four kinds of marriages. 


Keywords: Pride and Prejudice; love; marriage





I. Introduction-1

1.1 The Background of Jane Austin-1

1.2 The Background of Pride and Prejudice-2

II. The Four Marriages in Pride and Prejudice-3

2.1 Charlotte and Collins-3

2.2 Lydia and Wickham-5

2.3 Jane and Mr. Bingley-6

2.4 Darcy and Elizabeth-7

III. Contrast between Marriages in Austen’s Time and Her Novel-9

3.1 Marriage in Austen’s time-9

3.2 Austen’s Concept about Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice-10

IV. Conclusion-12


