Abstract: A compliment is a polite speech act. The speaker compliments the receiver who has good qualities, explicit or implicit characteristics. This paper aims to compare the compliments in the two works---Tea House by Lao She and Austin’s “Pride and Prejudice” from the aspects of function, response, formulas and topics. It reveals that westerners tend to use positive values and encouragements while Chinese people are likely to use flatter and satire in terms of the function of the compliments. In response, Chinese adopt the modest strategy while westerners adopt the means of acceptance. Both of Chinese and westerners like to use rhetoric in semantics. Moreover, the topic of Chinese compliment and English compliment focus on different aspects such as personal appearance and skills. The study shows Chinese and English compliments are influenced by their respective cultures and history.
Key words:English and Chinese compliment ;core study; culture differences
摘要: 恭维语是一种礼貌的言语行为,是说话者对听话者具备的良好素质或拥有显性或隐性的赞美。本文通过结合中外文学作品老舍的《茶馆》和简.奥斯丁《傲慢与偏见》分别从恭维语的使用功能,应答,形式内容,以及话题来分析英汉恭维语言的异同点。分析结果表明,在恭维语使用功能上,西方人倾向使用正面积极评价和鼓励,而中国人喜欢奉承,讽刺。应答上中国人采取谦虚策略,英国人则采取接受方式。从语义上都喜欢用修辞。此外,英汉恭维语的话题在外貌,成就能力上的侧重点也不同。研究发现,英汉恭维言之间存在异同点。它们也受各自文化和历史的影响。随着社会的发展恭维语将受到越来越多的人的重视。