本文通过深入的分析发现,言语行为理论是近年来研究比较热门的一种翻译理论。其站在言语行为的角度来阐述和研究翻译的理论和技巧,非常适合于影视字幕的翻译,也有助于影视字幕在翻译过程中更好的还原出原语的表达场景以及剧情的表达。因此本文对言语行为理论在影视字幕翻译中的实践问题,重点从言内行为、言外行为和言后行为等三个层面深入阐述言语行为理论的核心思想,并结合影视字幕的翻译实践一一进行论述, 探索一种基于言语行为理论的影视字幕翻译新模式。
Table of Contents
1 Introduction-1
1.1 Background of the Study-1
1.2 Significance of the Study-1
1.3 Layout of the Paper-2
2 Literature Review-3
2.1 Major Researches of the Speech Act Theory-3
2.1.1 Definition of Speech Acts-3
2.1.2 Development of the Speech Act Theory-3
2.2 Major Researches of Subtitle Translation-4
2.2.1 Definition of Subtitle Translation-4
2.2.2 Functions of Subtitle Translation-5
2.3 Major Researches on the Influence of the Speech Act Theory on Subtitle Translation-6
3 Research Methodology-7
3.1 Case Analysis-7
3.2 Comparison and Contrast-7
4 Detailed Analysis of Subtitle Translation in Pride and Prejudice-7
4.1 Different Subtitle Translation Versions of Pride and Prejudice-7
4.1.1 Similarities-7
4.1.2 Differences-8
4.2 Evaluation of Subtitle Translation in Light of the Speech Act Theory-8
4.2.1 Mistranslation-8
4.2.2 Literal Translation-9
4.2.3 Free Translation-9
4.2.4 Ideal Translation-10
4.3 Summary of the Role of the Speech Act Theory in Subtitle Translation-10
5 Conclusion-12
5.1 Major Findings of the Study-12
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research-13