Abstract: Forrest Gump was written by Winston Groom in 1985, reflecting the rethinking and calling for the return of the American traditional values. This paper aims to present the change and development of people’s Value as well as the confusion in people’s spiritual life, and tries to show people’s strong desire and call for return to the Americans’ traditional values from the perspective of literary comments through the analysis of the historic background, images of the two main characters and the different embodiment of the Americans’ core values.
Key words: Forrest Gump; Winston Groom; American traditional values
1.1 Introduction to Writer and Work
1.2 Introduction to Historical Background
2. Literature Review.3
3. Returning of American Traditional Values in Forrest Gump..3
3.1 Forrest Gump and Traditional Values
3.1.1 Traditional Values Reflected on Forrest Gump
3.1.2 Divergence and Returning of Forrest Gump
3.2 Jenny and Traditional Values
3.2.1 Traditional Values Reflected on Jenny
3.2.2 Divergence and Returning of Jenny
4. Conclusion .7