Abstract:The lasted English curriculum reform requirements stress that teaching process should be conducted through communication between teacher and students actively, that is unified the teacher teaching and students’ learning. Traditional teacher-centered teaching pattern was generally accepted in language teaching, but this is not enough for learners to improve their English performance and communicative competence. Therefore, learning-centered pattern emerged as the new pedagogic concept. It makes the teaching pattern is turning into learning pattern. Interaction is collaborative exchange of thoughts between two or more persons, which is very important in the study of second language acquisition. The purpose of this paper is to improve pupils’ ability to learn vocabulary, enhance their language application in primary school on the basis of classroom observation, and then try to help pupils to experience enjoyment in learning vocabulary through interactive teaching approach.
Key words: Excellent teachers; Primary English; Vocabulary; Interactive
摘 要:基础英语新课程标准强调,教学过程是师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的过程,是教师的教与学生的学的统一。传统的“以教师为中心”的教学模式普遍运用于语言教学,但它已经满足不了学生日益高涨的提高英语运用能力和交际水平的要求。因此,“以学习为中心”的新的教学理念,逐步从教学模式向学习模式转变。互动是两个人或者更多人之间的合作与交流,是第二语言习得的一个重要领域。本文通过课堂观察的形式,记录和分析了三位优秀小学英语教师课堂词汇互动行为,并提出合理应用于课堂词汇教学的策略,旨在提高小学生英语单词记忆,让学生能在轻松愉快的环境中学习词汇。