Abstract: The paper aims to study the application of Situational Approach to primary school English vocabulary teaching. Teachers create the real situation to make pupils experience things by themselves, arousing pupils’ interest and stimulating their initiatives in English learning. It has gained efficient effects in English teaching. After introducing the origin and the definition of Situational Approach, this paper explains how to apply Situational Approach to primary school English vocabulary teaching, based on the characteristics of pupils, current situation of primary school English vocabulary teaching, the principles of situation design, and the methods of application. The conclusion of the paper is that in order to make vocabulary teaching interesting and enhance the teaching effects, teachers should use visual aids, games, multi-media, body language to create real situation in primary school English vocabulary teaching.
Key words: Situational Approach; primary school; English vocabulary teaching
摘要: 本文旨在研究情景教学法在小学英语词汇教学中的应用。教师通过创设情景,让学生亲身体验,激发学习的兴趣,吸引学生主动学习英语,在英语教学中取得明显效果。本文从情景教学法起源、概念、小学生的特点,小学英语词汇教学的现状,运用的原则和方法,几方面具体阐述怎样把情景教学法运用到小学英语词汇教学中。文章的结论是在词汇教学中,教师应利用直观教具,游戏,多媒体,体态语创设情景,使枯燥的词汇教学变得生动有趣,提高教学效果。