Abstract: Based on theories of Interlanguage Theory and Error Analysis Theory, the author analyzes 60 pieces of English writing, which are collected from a senior high school, trying to categorize the Chinglish errors and to have a thorough text analysis according to four categories of errors, which are lexical errors, morphological errors, syntactic errors and structural errors. From the perspective of negative transfer of native language, the thesis studies Chinglish errors in Chinese senior high students’ English writing. It tries to find out some practical enlightenment for English teaching. This aims of it are to reduce the occurrences of Chinglish errors and to improve senior high school students’ writing ability.
Key words: native language;negative transfer; senior high school; English writing; practical enlightenments
1. Introduction1
2. Literature Review.1
3. Methodology.3
3.1 Research Object and Subject
3.2 Research Instruments and Procedures
3.3 Data Collection and Errors Classification
4. Text Analysis5
4.1 Lexical Errors
4.2 Morphological Errors.
4.3 Syntactic Errors
4.4 Structural Errors
5. Causes and Enlightenments14
6. Conclusions14