Mind Mapping is a tool which can help stimulate radiant thinking of our brain. It visualizes information and knowledge and provides a simplified structure of the target knowledge system.
Senior high is a very important period for students and English is a vital part of it. Thus the function of English review class can not be ignored. But recently, with the reform of English Curriculum Standard, the traditional views on it can not meet the requirements of the standard. To change the situation, several attempts are made. One of them is Mind Mapping. Applying Mind Mapping to English review class can benefit both English teacher and the students.
The article mainly consists of four parts. In the first part, the background of studying Mind Mapping is introduced; in the second part, theoretical basis and creation procedures are presented; in the third part, a practical application of Mind Mapping is given; the last part is a conclusion on this article.
Key words: Mind Mapping; English review class; radiant thinking
1 Introduction
1.1 The definition of Mind Mapping
1.2 The study of Mind Mapping home and abroad
1.3 The significance of applying Mind Mapping to English review class
2 The theoretical and practical basis of Mind Mapping
2.1 The theoretical basis
2.1.1 Brain science theory
2.1.2 Knowledge visualizing theory
2.1.3 Constructivist theory
2.1.4 Level of memory processing theory
2.1.5 Schema theory
2.2 The application field of Mind Mapping
2.3 The creation of Mind Mapping
2.3.1 The basic elements of Mind Mapping
2.3.2 The procedures and methods
3 The application of Mind Mapping in English review class
3.1 Characteristics of Mind Mapping
3.2 An introduction to senior high English review class
3.3 The function of Mind Mapping in senior high English review class
1 An effective tool for review design
2 A cognitive tool for stimulating students’ divergent thinking
3.4 The application of Mind Mapping in senior high English review class-taking My First Ride on a Train as an example
3.3.1 Models of mind map in this unit
1 vocabulary
2 grammar
3.3.2 In the class
3.3.3 Evaluation and analysis
4 Conclusion