Abstract: As bilingual education was introduced into China in 1980s, it is still at its early stages and far from mature. Although some important achievements have been made in bilingual education, it also puts forward some problems. Some schools lack teachers who can teach bilingual courses, and some other schools do not apply the appropriate teaching strategies. There are still a lot of problems which retard the development of bilingual education. It has been an urgent task to research bilingual education theories and models in order that bilingual education runs smoothly. In order to define bilingual education more objectively and scientifically, the author conduct a research in Nanjing 21st bilingual education school. Through the research, the author finds out some problems and put forward proposals.
Key words: bilingual education; problems; bilingual education model;
摘要: 双语教育在20世纪80年代被引进,所以仍然很不成熟。尽管我们在双语教学上取得了一些成果,但是也出现了很多问题。比方说一些学校缺乏双语教师,一些学校没有运用适合的教学策略。如今许许多多的问题阻碍着双语教育的发展,为了使双语教育能更好发展,研究双语教育的理论和模式已成为当务之急了。为了能更科学,客观的研究双语教育,作者在南京二十一世纪双语学校做了调查研究,从中发现一些问题并提出了一些建议。
关键词: 双语教学;问题;双语教学模式